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4 Operational and Maintenance Supplies

The supplies needed to operate and maintain the GC system will depend largely on the type of analyses of the analyses conducted. However, some general remarks can be made.

The typical supplies used with GC will of course be needed. These include appropriate column nuts and ferrules for the column being used, septa, inlet liners appropriate to the type of analysis and other seals as required by the particular inlet manufacturer. As for column ferrules, graphite is suitable. Also, in regard to septa, high performance septa are available that dramatically decrease the frequency of septa changes.

Solvents used for GC analyses should be of sufficient purity to limit interferences.

Detectors and inlets will require periodic maintenance in order to operate at high sensitivity and precision. This typically involves replacement of consumables: septa, liners, base seals, flame jets and other seals. Flame jets can be cleaned, but several manufacturers recommend against this as it is easy to distort the shape of the jet cone.

Finally, a reasonable set of tools will be required for routine maintenance. These include wrenches of appropriate size, screwdrivers (sizes from jewelers style to ordinary), forceps, etc. Column installation tools such as a flowmeter and magnifier will be usefull as well. In addition, many instruments use hex head or torx head fasteners. Some gas chromatographs require special tools for the removal of inlet nuts or the inlet liner itself; the detector may require special tools as well (for example, an FID may require special tools for changing flame jets).

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John S. Riley, DSB Scientific Consulting