I initiated the Basic Intern Program after building a forensic chemistry
laboratory for a small municipal police department. The laboratory
was subsequently transfered to the County's Sheriff's Office and served
a much larger area. The Basic Intern Program was designed to provide
one semester of practical, real-world experience to students at area
colleges and universities, and represented a committment for the students
of approximately six hours per week.
The program was not designed to include only undergraduate chemistry
students or even to upper division students. Indeed, one of our most
successful students was a Biology student. The program required only
that students had completed two semesters of Organic Chemistry, though
any student who had not had additional upper level chemistry classes
(such as Instrumental Analysis, Physical Chemistry or similar courses)
was required to submit additional letters of reference to assure that
they had adequate laboratory skills (that is, that they could actually
learn as they go in a laboratory setting).
In order to provide efficient learning for students with such a wide range of skills, training and background, all interns were required to take a Placement Test. Custom design of the program was the only use this test provided. Most students scored about 50%; the test will be available online as I get it adapted. This e-book is the Basic Program, though the web version is not yet complete. This document will be updated as I get additional content (figures and such) added. In addition, after the figures are added, I will post a pdf version of the entire document for download. Please note that some of the material is specific to the equipment present in that laboratory.