Next: 9.2 Dynamic Range in
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- The HP 6890/5972 performance standard requires that the instrument
produce a signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of greater than or equal to
10:1 for 10 pg of hexachlorobenzene injected onto the column. If a
60:1 split injection is used, the actual amount deposited onto the
column is approximately 10
of the amount injected.
If 1
L is injected, the solution concentration would have to
be greater than or equal to 1 ng/
L to detect hexachlorobenzene
with the recommended S/N. This is the taken as the lower limit target
concentration for 60:1 split methods, such as method GEN1.M.
- Though some detectors do not have an upper limit target concentration,
the mass spectrometer does. If too much sample is injected,
- the vacuum system may be compromised, causing oil contamination, filament
failure or detector failure.
- the detector may become saturated, which can shorten detector life
or cause failure.
- the amplifier or analog to digital converter may become saturated,
which will make ion relative abundance measurements meaningless.
- chromatographic separation efficiency decreases due to column overloading.
- The problems associated with injecting too much sample can be avoided
for the 60:1 split methods, such as GEN1.M, by keeping the amount
of sample injected less than 500 ng.
Next: 9.2 Dynamic Range in
Up: 9. Sample Preparation for
Previous: 9. Sample Preparation for
John S. Riley, DSB Scientific Consulting